Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Crime Pattern ID: Theft from Churches

Pattern: Theft from Churches 

Victims: churches and their members

Perpetrators: often local thieves, sometimes professionals

Locations: outside of church in the case of stealing gutters, roofing, etc., inside of church in the case of stealing art, valuables, sound system equipment, unattended purses

Times: when church is unattended or valuables are left unattended

Entry/Approach Methods and Tools: varies depending on crime

Vehicles/Transportation Routes: may use trucks, vans to remove large items, may be on foot for smaller items

Stolen Goods: metals, collectibles, art, sound system equipment/musical instruments, personal belongings

Method: suspects may case church to find what it is they want to steal

Motive: profit - sometimes very high profit, sometimes minor, as in an addict stealing purses

Query Terms: sound system, amplifier, microphone, copper, chalice, antique, art, roof, gutter, lead, flashing, musical instruments

Suggestions: track these crimes to uncover patterns, series, know where all your churches are, track offenders who have committed crimes of this type in the past


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