Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Crime Pattern ID: Street Prostitution

Pattern: Street Prostitution 

Victims: crime against state, juveniles, drug addicts, johns, society, neighborhood 

Perpetrators: prostitutes and their pimps 

Locations:run down neighborhoods, neighborhoods that attract unattached males, areas with traffic patterns conducive to street prostitution business, near hotels and convention centers, industrial areas (see problem guide below in resource section) 

Times: may peak at certain times (factory shifts end, bars close, etc.)but can occur any time of day 

Approach Methods: vary, may be blatant, may be subtle 

Vehicles/Transportation Routes: street prostitution may occur based on transportation routes, highway exits, truck stops, etc - consider when studying problem 
Methods: prostitutes solicit johns on the street, may be on decline and have STD, may be addicts, may be abused by pimp and/or johns (violence), may have sex openly thus affecting neighborhood quality of life, may draw other crime to area (robbery, rape) 

Motives: profit, need for drugs, power

Query Terms: prostitute, john, call girl, solicit, sexual act, the code/penal laws which classifies prostitution violations in your jurisdiction 

Suggestions: street prostitution is often considered a quality of life issue and is best addresses in problem analysis for problem solving policing to reduce the problem, analyze in this manner, you may use call data to not complaints buy citizens combined with arrest data - note that this will still not give you enough data so work with officers to assess problem areas, track repeat offenders 


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