Thursday, July 10, 2008

Crime Pattern ID: Police Impersonation

Pattern: Police Impersonation

Victims: anyone

Perpetrators: criminals who impersonate police to gain access to victims and/or goods

Locations/Times: anywhere, anytime

Entry/Approach Methods: uses false/imitation police equipment/behavior to approach victim

Weapons: may have weapons

Tools: fake badge, fake or stolen uniform, fake decals, fake car lights

Vehicles/Transportation Routes: can be police-like vehicle, suspect may pull people over on highway using imitation of police behavior/equipment

Stolen Goods: varies, sometimes nothing is stolen

Method: suspect pretends to be an officer and may have fake identifiers and equipment, usually one suspect, may be multiple suspects in more violent/profitable schemes

Motive: police wannabes, persons using ruse to commit serious crimes and/or minor crimes, possible crimes include theft, rape, assault, kidnapping

Query Terms: officer, badge, impersonate, fake, false, pretend

Suggestions: persons impersonating officers may repeat this behavior, track every instance and look for serial patterns, track who has a history of this crime in your jurisdiction and their MOs


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