Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Crime Pattern ID: Purse Snatching

Pattern: Purse Snatching (robbery)

Victims: primarily females of any age

Perpetrators: mostly males but sometimes females, often lone criminals but also work in groups

Locations: primarily streets, sometimes in other public places 

Times: any time, most often when victim is alone without other observers nearby

Approach Methods: may come from behind, pay use weapon, may knock victim to ground

Weapons: may use a weapon or threat of weapon

Tools: may cut purse straps

Vehicles/Transportation Routes: may target victims waiting at bus stops, train stations, on routes to bank or shopping

Stolen Goods: purse, contents of wallet, cash, credit cards

Method: a crime of opportunity, serial purse snatchers may use same MO

Motive: quick cash/profit, sometimes to feed drug habit

Query Terms: purse, bag, knapsack, handbag, strap

Suggestions: track all incidents of purse snatching robberies as these tend to be serial crimes, track all persons arrested for these crimes in case a series emerges where they are the perpetrators


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