Friday, July 4, 2008

Crime Pattern ID: Gun Trafficking

 Pattern: Gun Trafficking

Victims: gun sellers, community, persons shot

Perpetrators: organized crime, individuals seeking profit 

Locations: guns moved from low-regulated states to higher regulate states


Vehicles/Transportation Routes: movement from low-regulated to high regulated states is a common pattern 

Stolen Goods: sometimes guns are stolen, sometimes they are purchased

Method: obtaining, transporting and selling illegal guns, guns shows and corrupt gun dealers are sources

Motive: mainly profit, some guns may be trafficked to be used in organized criminal activity

Query Terms: defaced, out of state, gun, rifle, pistol (names of types of guns), dealer, straw purchase

Suggestions: track all reports of stolen guns in your jurisdiction, analyze recovered gun data looking for guns with out-of-state origins, analyze gun trace data, network with ATF


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