Monday, July 14, 2008

Crime Pattern ID: Construction Site Thefts and Vandalism

Pattern: Construction Site Thefts and Vandalism

Victims: builders, renovators, heavy equipment owners, home owners, businesses

Perpetrators: sometimes crimes of opportunity, sometimes local theft rings, sometimes organized crime, addicts, juveniles, repeat offenders

Locations: construction sites

Times: most often after work day ends and on weekends

Entry/Approach Methods: unsecured sites most vulnerable, lack of security adds to risk

Tools: often need no tools

Vehicles/Transportation Routes: varies

Stolen Goods: tools most common, any building materials, metal, appliances, equipment

Method: varies - vandalism may be purposeful by juveniles and unrelated to theft attempts, theft methods vary - read resources below for more information

Motive: profit - it's estimated that construction theft in the US = 1 Billion $$

Query Terms: construction, site, building, tools, crane, bulldozer, metal, copper, coils, pallet, appliances, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, furnace, hot water tank

Suggestions: track all thefts of these types to find patterns and series - patterns in what is stolen, pattern in victims (certain companies not securing sites), known offenders - may repeat these crimes


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