Sunday, July 6, 2008

Crime Pattern ID: Shootings

Pattern: Shootings (intentional)

Victims: individuals who are shot at by persons guns, may be hit and injured or killed, may not be injured yet these crimes without injury should be tracked systematically as well

Perpetrators: gangs, acquaintances, sometimes random, sometimes innocent victim in the way of intended target

Locations: urban areas more of a problem

Times: varies, tends to occur at night

Entry/Approach Methods: varies, drive-by shootings one method, shooting in schools and malls currently a public concern

Weapons: guns of all sorts, sometimes illegal, defaced, sawed-off, assault rifles, pistols

Vehicles/Transportation Routes: some shootings involve issues of gang territory 

Method: varies in approach, gun-type and intention

Motive: varies, gang revenge, shooting in commission of another crime such as robbery, individual revenge for perceived injury, power, to enhance one's criminal reputation (don't mess with me), to earn respect from other criminals, argument, peer pressure

Query Terms: shot, shoot, shots, fire, fired, casings, bullet, rounds, gunfire, gunshot

Suggestions: systematically track ALL incidents of shots actually fired (be clear in defining what you are tracking) including at persons, persons hit by gun shot, vehicles shot, building shot, etc - look for patterns in shots fired and gun-related 91l calls as well but keep this data separate - actual known shootings and calls are different data sets, also track victims of gunshots to see if they are gang members and/or have criminal records - work with other intelligence to define problems
(Note that shootings with bb guns and paintballs are a separate problem and should be tracked as well)


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