Thursday, September 30, 2021

The After Action Review (AAR) Process

Adapting and incorporating the After Action Review process could improve your work, especially if applied to a large project (such as completion of a big investigation or significant crime problem solving effort). The process helps you identify what can be improved for the next time.

"An AAR is centered on four questions:

What was expected to happen? What actually occurred?

What went well and why?

What can be improved and how?

An AAR features:

An open and honest professional discussion

Participation by everyone on the team

A focus on results of an event or project

Identification of ways to sustain what was done well

Development of recommendations on ways to overcome obstacles"


Read more about this subject: 

After Action Review (AAR) Process: Learning From Your Actions Sooner Rather Than Later

Army's The Leader’s Guide to After-Action Reviews (AAR)

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