Sunday, September 26, 2021

NW3C Investigative Resources

The NW3C (National White Collar Crime Center) has a page with numerous "Investigative Resources,"and if you are working in U.S. law enforcement, you are eligible to access them. Check them out at this link.

Some of the Resources:

"The National White Collar Crime Center provides technical assistance to law enforcement and regulatory agencies in the areas of Cybercrime, Financial Crime, Intelligence Analysis, and Intellectual Property Theft. Technical assistance examples include providing guidance in handling financial investigations, and proper handling of electronic evidence (smartphones, computers, etc.)."

"NW3C offers, free of charge, a number of tools to assist our law enforcement partners in the prosecution of economic and high-tech crime."

Legal Templates


Law Enforcement Guides

Cryptocurrency Resources

Investigative Guides & Resources

Law Enforcement Cyber Alerts

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