Sunday, September 5, 2021

Investigative Failures

Below is a "concept map" from the 2018 paper, Case Deconstruction of Criminal Investigative Failures Final Summary Overview, by Dr. Kim Rossmo and Dr. Joycelyn Pollock, which is available at this link. The analysis in this paper begins by highlighting the wrongful conviction of Michael Morton, which you can read about this link. It is a study of 50 "investigative failures," in 45 murder and 5 rape/sexual assault cases.

Causal factors of investigative failures are in the Future 5. chart below. As analyst you may not be able to counter all the variables, but you definitely can add good critical thinking to investigations. 

Ask yourself: can you contribute to the investigations that you support to help reduce the elements of investigative failures that lead to injustices? Can you slow down the rush to judgment, increase professionalism, reduce biased searching and interpretation, and follow investigative leads as an analyst? 

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