Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Tracking Violent Crime with Ambulance Data: How Much Crime Goes Uncounted?

Tracking Violent Crime with Ambulance Data: How Much Crime Goes Uncounted? is an interesting study available at this link.

While this study is from the UK, there is no reason we can't extrapolate to the US - unreported crime is a fact.

Once of the interesting conclusions from the study: "...ambulance records contain substantial new information on violence, with between 66 and 90% of ambulance incidents not found in police data. Therefore, police are not aware of the location of a substantial proportion of violent incidents. Ambulance data can be used to inform patrol officers about where violence hotspots are developing and when the areas are “active”, both of which they need to know for preventing further incidents."

Read a related study:

Proportion of Violent Injuries Unreported to Law Enforcement

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