Saturday, May 29, 2021

HUMAN TRAFFICKING AWARENESS GUIDE for Convenience Retail Employees

 The HUMAN TRAFFICKING AWARENESS GUIDE for Convenience Retail Employees can be found at this link. Analysts can share this resource with officers so that they may provide the information to the community.

"Convenience retailers can play a significant role in combating human trafficking because of their presence

in virtually every community - urban, suburban, and rural - as well as their often 24/7 operations. There are thousands of convenience stores across the country where employees are interacting with customers all day, from regulars to travelers passing through. Because convenience retail employees observe and communicate with the public so frequently, they are in a unique position to observe indicators of human trafficking while working.

The purpose of this guide is to inform front line convenience retail employees about human trafficking and the indicators that may help them recognize a potential victim while on the job."

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Blue Campaign, which addresses the human trafficking challenge, is available at this link.

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