Friday, May 21, 2021

Systematically Track Your Accomplishments

If there is one thing I most regret in my professional life as a law enforcement analyst, it neglecting to systematically track all of my accomplishments.

Start now! Schedule a weekly update to track the important accomplishments in your work life.

I recommend using an Excel Workbook with various tabs such as education, training, certifications, conferences attended, projects, awards, successes, positive feedback, challenges met, important contacts, important meetings, etc. Be sure to document dates, locations, and relevant people. Back this up so you will have access to it no matter where you are working in the future. Backfill everything you can remember!

I recommend using PowerPoint to collect your analytical products, such as link chart, maps, bulletins statistical charts - products you are most proud of. This can serve as a portfolio of products to use as needed in your work place. Redact information as appropriate. Ask permission if you want to take this with you when you leave a workplace. Don't break rules!

Save all written compliments, praise, pats-on-the-back. Print them out and keep them in a folder.

Keep all certificates from training and conferences in this folder.

Keep redacted copies of your best analytical products in your folder if you have permission.

You won't regret this!

And, on a bad day (or week) at work, you can reread everything and boost your mood. You ARE not crazy, not making things up, and, most of all, you ARE qualified. It helps.

1 comment:

  1. You can use a spreadsheet with links to the location of the final product as well. That way you can date things look back up old analysis if I wanted to redo something similar. (Got this idea from John Riegart at the Albany Crime Analysis Center.)

    I wish everyone kept a portfolio of work as well. Much more informative than a resume.
