Sunday, May 23, 2021

Evaluating intelligence quality, sources, and sharing

 Have you evaluated your intelligence quality and sources lately? Have you thought about how you share intelligence? Here are some tools to consider applying to your work:

"The way in which the 5x5x5 system does this is by providing an assessment of the intelligence in 3 areas. These are;

1.       An Evaluation of the Source

2.       An Evaluation of the Data Validity and

3.       An Evaluation of  Handling  Sensitivity"

The 5x5x5 system

"In this standardized system, intelligence grading is expressed via numerical and alphabetical values. These values are very easily expressed verbally and are highly auditable. This system was introduced as the 5x5x5 system, however, the previous system has been simplified to a 3x5x2 system. The numbers in the name represent information evaluation, source evaluation and intelligence handling and sharing rules. These evaluations and rules are used to express an assessment of the reliability and validity of any intelligence received. There is also a similar 6x6 system, which relies on the same basic structure, which is the national security or military model and is used by the entities including NATO."

The 5-minute guide to the intelligence grading process and its application in OSINT

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