Saturday, May 16, 2009

Practice Advice: Introduction to Intelligence-Led Policing 2007

Practice Advice: Introduction to Intelligence-Led Policing 2007

"This document has been produced by the National Centre for Policing Excellence (NCPE) on behalf of the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO). It will be updated according to legislative and policy changes and re-released as required.

The NCPE was established by the Police Reform Act 2002. As part of its remit the NCPE is required to develop policing doctrine, including practice advice, in consultation with ACPO, the Home Office and the Police Service. Practice advice produced by the NCPE should be used by chief officers to shape police responses to ensure that the general public experience consistent levels of service. The implementation of all practice advice will require operational choices to be made at local level in order to achieve the appropriate police response."

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