Sunday, May 10, 2009

Military Police Document Reveals Integration with Local Law Enforcement

Military Police Document Reveals Integration with Local Law Enforcement

Even if the implications in the article are untrue, the fact that the military is articulating a process in the document "Concept of Operations (CONOPS) for Police Intelligence Operations (PIO)" is a step toward codifying the integration of crime and intelligence analysis and the profession. Since this document has been leaked to the public, you must read it if you are at all interested in the development of crime and intelligence analysis in policing.

I have been finding other leaked documents recently online that would be of value to analysts and possibly policy makers, and have chosen not to post them, since I don't want the blog to overstep itself by posting classified material. Yet, if I can find it online merely through Google Alerts, that means anyone can. What do you think of my policy of not posting them? Is it wrong for me to post this document? I believe that the need of the law enforcement analytical community to be aware of this military development of an analytical cadre is high and that is why I have posted this document.


  1. Deb,

    My belief is - once material has fallen into the Open Source arena it is fair game.

  2. Ditto Paul.
    Anyway, half the stuff that is labeled 'classified' shouldn't be.
