Thursday, April 9, 2009

New Book: Fundamentals of Crime Mapping

New Book: Fundamentals of Crime Mapping
by Rebecca Paynich, PhD, Curry College, Bryan Hill, Crime Analyst, Glendale Police Department, Arizona, ISBN: 9780763755751 - publish date: April 16, 2009

"Fundamentals of Crime Mapping introduces the topic of crime mapping and the history of GIS in law enforcement. This valuable text includes a workbook for hands-on instruction. Special topics discussed include: an up-to-date discussion of the current crime trends in rural and urban areas, the major ecological theories of crime, the notion of geographic profiling, empirical research using crime mapping tools, basic mapping terminology, and more!"

There are sample chapters at the link.

From co-author Bryan Hill:
"City of Glendale is the setting for all of the exercises which use some scrubbed and cleaned data (most of it made up but mimicking real crime data) and can give you real life examples of using GIS with crime data and what I call the “essential” skills. This is an introductory text that supplies a little bit of academic theory, a little bit of good common sense, and many practical exercises."

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