Thursday, April 9, 2009

Limited Liability Companies

Thanks to John Cryer, CFE, Detective, John Cryer, CFE Detective Washoe County Sheriff's Office, for submitting the following resources related to shell companies and Limited Liability Companies (LLCs):

There is a good article on this subject in the March 26th issue of the Economist magazine titled “Haven Hypocrisy.”

There was also a very good GAO Report titled “Company Formations: Minimal Ownership Information is Collected and Available.”

And last but not least if you’re really interested in this subject there are a couple of books out there by Jason Sharman, from Griffith University in Australia titled, “Havens in a Storm: The Struggle for Global Tax Regulation,” and “Considering the Consequences: The Development Impact of Initiatives on Taxation, Anti-Money Laundering, and the Financing of Terrorism.” He’s also a co-author of “Corruption and Money Laundering: A Symbiotic Relationship.” Which is due out in June.

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