Friday, March 13, 2009

The MO Project - Lesson Four

This post is a continuation of the once a week Friday Analysts' Corner post to explain, for working crime analysts, how to keep track of pattern data in their own files using MS Excel. One factor to consider when looking for crime patterns is risk of victimization.

School of Criminal Justice at Rutgers University
Crime Prevention Service for Business

In a list of the riskiest jobs, there are certain crimes against workers that are more like manifest in patterns and series than others. You should track crimes targeting taxi drivers, gas station attendants, convenience store clerks, and liquor store clerks. While there are other jobs on the list, the types of crimes are less likely to result in crime series (in this case, same offenders attacking same sort of victim(s) in a series of crimes).

"The following factors increase a worker's risk for workplace violence:

1. Contact with the public
2. Delivery of passengers, goods, or services
3. Having a mobile workplace such as a taxicab or police cruiser
4. Working with unstable persons in health care, social services, or criminal justice settings
5. Working alone or in small numbers
6. Working late at night or during early morning hours
7. Working in high-crime areas
8. Guarding expensive goods
9. Working where alcohol is served"

Read more about these crime types and track them!
Taxi Driver Robberies
Delivery Person Robbery
Business Robbery

Next Friday's lesson will focus on other types of pattern crimes to track using the COPS Problem Specific Guides as a resource.

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