Saturday, March 21, 2009

Center for Intelligence and Security Studies

The Center for Intelligence and Security Studies has a blog at this link.

From the CISS website:

"About CISS

Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, U.S. intelligence agencies sought ways to improve the critical task of analysis.

As part of this effort, The University of Mississippi School of Applied Sciences created the Center for Intelligence and Security Studies (CISS). CISS trains students for careers in intelligence analysis and provides educational and scholarly resources to the national Intelligence Community (IC).

CISS Director

Dr. Carl Jensen serves as Director of the Center for Intelligence and Security Studies. For over twenty years, he worked as a special agent for the FBI before joining the faculty of the School of Applied Sciences Department of Legal Studies. Additionally, Dr. Jensen works as a Behavioral Scientist and Policy Analyst for RAND Corporation. His articles have appeared in numerous academic and professional publications.

CISS Objectives

* Educate and prepare students for entry-level positions in the Intelligence Community.

* Develop relevant research programs by identifying funding sources, by encourage and assist UM faculty and others in carrying out this research, and disseminate findings to the IC through traditional and innovative channels (e.g., online journal, research wiki, conferences, speakers' bureau).

* Conduct outreach efforts by sponsoring a consortium of organizations with an interest in analytical matters and national security (e.g., academic institutions, Intelligence Community training academies)."

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