Saturday, April 12, 2008

USNORTHCOM, DHS refine relationship

"USNORTHCOM, DHS refine relationship" has interesting implications. Since DHS has a strong law enforcement component and USNORTHCOM is a military entity, new relationships of this type may cause US citizens concern, with our traditional fear of a military/police link in the US. Yet, we do need new ways of working as the world changes...

The same concept applies in thinking about the structure of US policing and the stated goal of some that we have an intelligence led policing system. Under the current model of highly fragmented policing here, ILP is impossible. Do we always have to wait for tragedy, such as 9/11/01, or disaster, such as Hurricane Katrina, or threat, such as high school shootings, to make changes to the way we work? Do we ever study how information is shared before we try to fix information sharing problems? Do we study how information is used and not used before we try to reform systems?

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