Monday, April 14, 2008

Enhancing the Problem-Solving Capacity of Crime Analysis Units

Enhancing the Problem-Solving Capacity of Crime Analysis Units, by Matthew B. White, is a new Problem Oriented Policing Guide produced by the US Dept. Of Justice's Office of Community Oriented Policing.

"This guide is organized around nine fundamental concerns, framed here as questions, which must be addressed when developing a problem-solving capacity within a crime analysis unit. The starting point will vary with the existing resources within the agency and on the extent to which new resources can be deployed. The questions are as follows:

Are Your Analysts Able to Focus on their Core Analytic Function?
Are Your Analysts Learning about Problem-Oriented Policing?
Are Your Analysts Learning Problem-Solving Skills and Techniques?
Are Your Analysts Learning as a Team?
Do Your Analysts Have Adequate Technical Support?
Are Your Analysts Free to Be Objective?
Are Your Analysts Properly Integrated into the Decision-Making Process?
Is the Importance of Analysis Adequately Recognized in Your Department?
Are Your Analysts Properly Paid?"

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