Friday, January 18, 2008

Technology: CCTVs

An article in yesterday by CCTVs not a quick-fix solution, describes an increase in crime in Malaysia and the issue of proposed CCTVs. The author states, "The Evening Standard reported that comparisons of the number of cameras within sectors in the city (LONDON) against the proportion of crimes solved showed that the cops were no more likely to catch offenders in places with hundreds of cameras than those with hardly any."

Sometimes crime analysts are involved in mapping and analyzing data for the "best" placement of video cameras. Here are some links to research on CCTVs to better inform analysts, educators, and trainers on the pros and cons of video surveillance of public places. This technology will grow and understanding its ramifications is important.

A COPS Office Guide on the topic:
Video Surveillance of Public Places
by Jerry Ratcliffe
A POP Center Library Resource on the topic:
A Review of CCTV valuations: Crime Reduction Effects and Attitudes Toward Its Use
by Coretta Phillips
A Home Office Research Topic:
Crime prevention effects of closed circuit television: a systematic review
by Brandon C. Welsh and David P. Farrington
Another Research Study

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