Monday, January 14, 2008

Techniques: Using "Reality" to Teach and Train

In the Advanced Criminal Intelligence Analysis to Prevent Terrorism training I have helped conduct as a contractor for the National White Collar Crime Center, the case of the Beltway Snipers was used as a training tool. I had thought of using the document "Managing a Multijurisdictional Case: Identifying the Lessons Learned from the Sniper Case " before going to help with the course - they beat me to it.

Nevertheless, using information available on real cases or studies that are available online can be useful as an instructor. This is similar to using scenarios, and limited by what is available to you in the written resources, but this approach is quite valuable and interesting to students. To teach profiling concepts in my Crime and Intelligence Analysis online course for Empire State College's Center for Distance Learning , I use a document, which has a section on profiling, called The Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism: Who Becomes and Terrorist and Why?

It would be great of other analysts/instructors could share such resources on this blog. Any ideas?


  1. Debbi,
    Good stuff. Thanks for the blog. I just went on and watched Kim's video. It gave me flashbacks of SFU when I attended his defense -- he was completing his Ph.D. when I was completing my MA in the same department.
    More sometime later.

  2. Tom Shreeve ( ) provides an excellent training program that analyzes this case.
