Monday, January 21, 2008

National Intelligence Model - Analytical Techniques and Products

This resource is from the Home Office. (The Home Office is responsible for policing in England and Wales.) We have nothing similar to this in the United States. While standardization of analytical techniques and products can stifle creativity and critical thinking, it is needed for the profession of analysis in policing to gain respect and credibility. What can analysts do? The answers are nicely summarized in the links below. I will be writing more about each technique and product in the future.

Click on the title of this post to read the following online:

"This is a section of the National Intelligence Model (NIM). The NIM is ‘A Model for Policing’ that ensures that information is fully researched, developed and analysed to provide intelligence that senior managers can use to provide strategic direction, make tactical resourcing decisions about operational policing and manage risk.

Date: Fri Feb 23 10:44:23 GMT 2007

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