Friday, July 12, 2024

What do you wear?

I remember waiting to hear about when I would have an interview once I saw that I scored in the top three in the crime analyst civil service test. Once the interview was scheduled, I wondered what to wear. I looked to Scully in the X-Files, the only role model I could think of, and bought conservative pumps and a nice plain suit. Now I find that funny, but back then it was the best I could do.

"What should I wear ?"is a small question, but it is one worth considering. In my early days as a crime analyst I was overdressed, but that gave me a kind of confidence I needed when there was not much else to base it in. I had much to learn. It was important to look professional and business-like.

Think about what you wear. How does it contribute to your work life? Does it detract from your image? Do you fit in your environment? Do you stand out in an appropriate way?

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