Monday, July 1, 2024

Exploring Association Membership Benefits

Perhaps you are like me and you simply renew your association memberships when they come due and don't look that closely at what changes might be on the websites. If so, you may be missing opportunities to grow professionally.

If you are a member of the International Association of Law Enforcement Analysts (IALEIA):

"IALEIA partners with the Justice Clearinghouse (JCH) to create and offer intelligence-specific webinars and training. IALEIA members have unlimited access to the entire library of JCH webinars including recordings, workbooks, and presentation materials. Webinar and course participants can download certificates of attendance as proof of attendance. Please contact if you would like access or if you would like to present on a topic."

Justice Clearinghouse:

If you are a member of the International Association of Crime Analysts (IACA):

Did you know there are fifteen 12-week online training classes you could take? See more at:

I recommend membership in both of these organizations.

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