Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Time as a Variable

Analysts focus on time because it matters in our analyses. Patterns of time help us link crimes. 

Time of day – when? Example that time matters: burglaries when people are at work.

Day of week – when? Example that time matters: robberies only on weekends in bar areas.

Day of month – when? Example that time matters: purse sancthings near ATMS on dates of the month when people receive benefit deposits.

Date – when? Example that time matters: a frequency of every-other-day larcenies of motor vehicles in a neighborhood.

Significant dates – when? Example that time matters: anniversaries of a mass shooting that indicate a new threat.

Pattern in time –when? Example that time matters: an escalation of sex crimes attempts and occurrences  by a violent criminal occurring closer and closer in time.

Opportunities – when? Example that time matters: crimes that occur at times when there are no suitable guardians around.

Season – when? Example that time matters: thefts of snowblowers only when it is winter in a community.

Time is recorded in crime reports, as exact or in time ranges. It is recorded it calls for service. 

Some other places where time is recorded:

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