Monday, August 16, 2021

BEATING CRIME PLAN: Fewer victims, peaceful neighbourhoods, safe country

The United Kingdom's July 2021 BEATING CRIME PLAN: Fewer victims, peaceful neighbourhoods, safe country is available at this link. It is very worth reading.

An interesting statistic from this document:

"As we increasingly rely on technology and spend greater proportions of our lives online, criminals seek to exploit whatever digital opportunities they can. Fraud and cyber-related offences are growing rapidly and now make up over 50% of all crime."

Another interesting statistic:

"Nearly a quarter of all neighbourhood crime was committed in just 5% of local areas in 2018-19."

One role for analysis:

"By analysing where crime takes place, we can target resources more accurately and return a sense of governed space to the areas where it is needed most. And by deepening our understanding of the problems particular parts of our country face, we can invest in the things that will make the biggest difference: removing opportunities to commit crime; increasing the capacity of partners to cut crime; and making it more difficult for criminals from one part of the country to export the crimes they commit to another."

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