Saturday, July 17, 2021

National Data Exchange (N-DEx) System

If you are a law enforcement  analyst in the United States and you are NOT using National Data Exchange (N-DEx) System, it is time to sign up!

Go to this link for more information.

How can it help you as an analyst?

"Analysts: Connecting the Dots

Analyst looking for patterns about IED.With the N-DEx system, analysts have access to the criminal justice records of thousands of agencies across the nation to link investigative information and quickly obtain more detailed reports. Additionally, N-DEx provides visualization tools to graphically depict associations between people, places, things, and events either on a link-analysis chart or on a map. For ongoing investigations, the subscription and notification feature automatically notifies analysts if other users are searching for the same criteria or if a new record concerning their investigation is added to the system. N-DEx allows analysts to work with other analysts across the nation in a collaborative environment that instantly and securely shares pertinent information, including images, videos, charts, graphs, notes, and case reports, via any type or size of file."

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