Wednesday, July 7, 2021

How Intelligence Analysts Can Improve Critical Thinking and Writing Skills

How Intelligence Analysts Can Improve Critical Thinking and Writing Skills is an article available at this link.

It is rarely, if ever said, but analysts in law enforcement do NOT do much in the way of writing reports. Our reports tend to consist of brief summaries at best, followed by charts, graphs, maps, and the like.

Therefore, if you compare analysts in the intelligence community to those in law enforcement, you will see a huge difference in tasking.

Those analysts in policing tasked with writing reports on threats, trends or strategies do write more than analysts assigned to the majority of law enforcement analytical tasks. That said, if one is training/teaching analysts to be generic, to fit in any analyst role, it is important to understand that analysts in law enforcement are not writers per se. Over-emphasizing writing skills with seem irrelevant to them.

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