Monday, July 19, 2021

Improving Analytic Rigour in Intelligence

Improving Analytic Rigour in Intelligence, a study from the University of Melbourne, is available at this link. While this focuses on intelligence analysis in the national security arena, there is always something to learn from best practices in other analytical perspectives.

For example: the acronym LOTSA as described below, from this study, applies to the work of law enforcement analysts. 

"Analytic rigour is conducting analytic work in a manner that is appropriately:

Logical: observing principles of good reasoning and avoiding fallacies;

Objective: being free from influence of values, desires, interests or belief systems;

Thorough: tackling analytic work with completeness and attention to detail;

Stringent: observing relevant rules, guidelines, principles or policies; and

Acute: noticing and addressing relevant issues and subtleties.

We call these the “LOTSA” dimensions of analytic rigour."

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