Wednesday, May 15, 2019

National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative

"The National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) provides funding through a competitive grant program to support the jurisdictional reform of approaches to sexual assault cases resulting from evidence found in sexual assault kits (SAKs) that have never been submitted to a crime laboratory. SAKI is administered by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and aims to create a coordinated community response that ensures just resolution to sexual assault cases through (1) a comprehensive and victim-centered approach, (2) jurisdictional capacity building to prevent high numbers of unsubmitted SAKs in the future, and (3) supporting the investigation and prosecution of cases for which SAKs were previously unsubmitted."

Archived National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative webinars are available at this link, including a March 26, 2019 webinar Crime Analysts: Supporting Sexual Assault Investigations presented by Samantha Gwinn.

Article to read: A Serial Killer In Chicago? Investigations Delayed By Backlogs In Analyzing DNA

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