Wednesday, May 22, 2019

MO Tracking to Find Crime Patterns Faster

It took me years of being a crime analyst to find a way that was (for me) working smarter rather than harder. While artificial intelligence and technological genius could make my method obsolete, those analysts working alone (without all the bells and whistles of large agencies and technologically advanced teams) might find this information helpful.

Click on this link and read the posts I wrote years ago called "The MO Project." Read from the first post and then those that follow in chronological order. The first post includes a link to a spreadsheet that helps explain the method of tracking crimes. This is also a method of thinking about crimes.

In the spreadsheet I included a list of categories of things I tracked as a crime analyst in a large, local police department:

Bank Robberies
Bar Related
Bootleg Goods
Cab/Taxi Driver Victims
Car Break-ins
Commercial Crime
Construction Related
Counterfeit Money
Delivery Robberies
Drugged/Intoxicated Victims
Elderly Victims
Fast Food Restaurant Related
Garage Burglaries
Gas Station Related
Handicapped Victims
Hate Crimes
Home Invasions
Hotel/Motel Related
Juvenile Victims
Metal Theft
Parking Lot Related
Public Transportation Crimes
Purse Snatching
Religious Building Related
Repeat Offenders
Restaurant Related
Ruse Burglaries
School Related
Sex Crimes with Unknown Assailants
Stolen Firearms
Theft from Coin Machines
Theft of Antiques/Collectibles
Theft of ATVs/Boats/Recreational Vehicles
Theft of Cigarettes
Theft of Computers
Theft of GPS Units
Theft of Jewelry
Theft of Pets/Animals
Vacant Dwelling Related
Weapon Possession

(So much crime - so little time! That is why you should find ways to be more efficient.)

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