Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Trends Influencing Policing, Trends Influencing Terrorism

I served as a panel member on the two Proteus Trend Series February 2008 reports linked below. As a co-trainer listening to a module on strategic analysis in a Foundation of Intelligence Analysis Training course in Winnipeg today, I realize these reports may be of use in thinking more about these questions: What is strategic analysis? What can influence our work in the future? How does public safety of all sorts fit into the framework of projected global changes?

55 Trends Now Shaping the Future of Policing

55 Trends Now Shaping the Future of Terrorism

1 comment:

  1. Community Policing:

    Community Policing is a valuable resource in motivating neighborhood residents to cooperate with police in reducing crime. Although it is not a cure-all, community policing can have a positive impact by establishing a volunteer police chaplain program (at little of no cost to the PD). Assigning volunteer police chaplains to specific police sectors where their respective congregations are located accomplishes three purposes. 1) Clergy are known in the community and are privy to issues in their specific neighborhood. 2) A PD has an additional and respected voice in neighborhoods. 3) Parental control of neighborhood youth is enhanced. (What would grandma say if she knew what you are doing?) PD chaplains riding with police officers send a message to the community that the faith community is a player in reducing crime and public nuisances. “Stories of the Street: Images of the Human Condition” demonstrates the significant contribution volunteer police chaplains make in serving specific neighborhoods in a community policing module. Ref:
    Volunteer Police Chaplain Steve Best, (Ret.)
