Tuesday, January 27, 2009


ImportGenius is a commercial database (fee-based) that allows users to track importation activity. Very cool!

"ImportGenius is a searchable database covering all ocean container imports entering the United States. Our database includes detailed information about the shipper (exporter), consignee (importer), product description, and dozens of other data points. ImportGenius is useful for :

* Researching the shipment activity of competitors and suppliers
* Sourcing products of any nature from anywhere in the world
* Monitoring overseas suppliers activity; ensuring exclusive agent compliance
* Tracking the activity of publicly traded companies
* Intellectual property investigation and enforcement"

1 comment:

  1. This data is available to trade data providers from U.S. Customs and Border Protection through the Freedom of Information Act. CBP collects this data from the Automated Manifest System, importers are required to electronically transmit manifest information 24 hours before their products depart for the United States. They then release the information to providers of the data after the products enter the United States. This does make the information near real-time, but it is not a live feed and will not show shipments that are currently on the water.

    While there are the competitive intelligence uses for this information, thousands of companies rely on this information as a daily business tool. Transportation service providers find new customers and educate themselves on their customers’ supply chains. Sourcing departments research suppliers and monitor exclusive distribution agreements. Brand owners proactively protect their trademarks and copyrights by looking at the counterfeiters’ Bills of Lading. Finally, economists and business analysts derive valuable forecasts and market assessments.

    Check out a sample of the information that is provided at http://www.zepol.com/CASE-STUDY/Zepol-Bill-of-Lading-Sample.pdf

    Import Genius is a new provider; several other companies have been providing this data for years and have built advanced databases to meet their customers’ specific needs. Our company, Zepol Corporation, has provided U.S. Customs and Border Protection data for more than 5 years. We have hundreds of customers ranging from the Fortune 500 to small and midsized importers. Visit http://www.zepol.com to try our free trial.
