Saturday, June 28, 2008

Crime Pattern ID: Parking Lot/Ramp Crimes

"Parking lots and decks are the scene of more crimes leading to a lawsuit than any other corporate setting. A respected litigation analysis firm estimates that 38% of robberies and 17% of sexual assaults on American workers occur while walking to or from their parked cars." from Protecting Against Parking Lot Crime

Pattern: Parking Lot/Ramp Crimes (including vandalism, theft, purse snatching, robbery, carjacking and abductions)

Victims: persons using parking facilities and their vehicles

Perpetrators: varies by crime but mainly a crime of opportunity

Locations: parking lots/ramps/facilities - often focused on particular lots that are poorly designed for safety

Times,Entry Methods/Approach Methods,Weapons,Tools,Vehicles/Transportation Routes, Stolen Goods, Method, Motive: ALL VARY BY CRIME

Query Terms: parking, lot, ramp, space

Suggestions: find your crime hot spots and have officers work with security to target harden problem lots/ramps, make certain you know the addresses of all your lots/ramps and that officers are consistent with reporting crimes at proper locations, when assessing problems of theft or vandalism make sure you figure the ratio of vehicles to parking spaces to determine severity of problem, pay attention to any serious violent crime patterns in lots/ramps and look for series related to lots/ramps

5 Parking Lot Safety Tips

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