Monday, June 2, 2008

Crime Pattern ID: Bus Stop Criminals

Pattern: Bus Stop Criminals

Victims: People waiting at bus stops

Perpetrators: Crimes of opportunity, sometimes a serial offender who knows where to target “prey,” may also be multiple suspects

Locations: bus stops without much natural surveillance may be targeted more often

Times: early morning, late evenings are more likely times of day

Entry/Approach Methods: may approach in a vehicle

Weapons: may use a weapon of any kind

Vehicles/Transportation Routes: bus routes

Stolen Goods: varies, cash, wallet, purse, clothing, footwear, purchases

Method: may pick pockets, may rob victims, may sexually assault victims, may kidnap victims

Motive: cash or belongings, sometimes sexual assault

Query Terms: bus, bus stop, corner, shelter, waiting, exiting, route

Suggestions: Ask officers to note when a crime occurs at a bus stop in their narratives. Track all crimes and look for hot spots. Also look for suspicious activity – persons lurking – may be pedophile, sex offender, robber, or pick pocket.


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