Sunday, June 29, 2008

Crime Pattern ID: Exotic Animal Trafficking

Pattern: Exotic Animals Trafficking

Victims: exotic animals and their owners/habitats

Perpetrators: organized crime as well as individuals, more extensive than weapons trafficking

Locations: exports from Africa and the Far East, may happen anywhere - your norm may be exotic somewhere else in the world

Times/Entry/Approach Methods/Weapons/Tools: vary - see Resources below

Vehicles/Transportation Routes: global problem with local indicators, US major destination for animals

Stolen Goods: exotic animals/animal parts, sometimes threatened and/or endangered species

Method: vary - see Resources below

Motive: profit, desire for animals or animal parts (fur, bones, etc)

Query Terms: birds, macaw, parrot, lizard, snake, bear, tiger, monkey, hedgehog, prairie dogs, names of specific animals, animal parts, hide, skin, bone, coral, conch, elephant, tusk, horn, frog, beetle, insect, iguana, cougar

Suggestions: be aware of indicators of this type of problem and query your reports on a regular basis to see if there are any indicators, stolen animals or reports including animals, communicate cross-jurisdictionally to uncover possible wide regional trends



  1. Do you know if there are any exotic animal task forces out there that are trying to combat the problem of exotic animal trafficking...?
