Monday, May 26, 2008

Crime Pattern ID: Jewelry Store Theft

Pattern: Jewelry Store Theft

Victims: jewelers, department stores

Perpetrators: often teams, often are professional thieves

Locations: jewelry stores and jewelry counters at other types of stores

Times: no specific time pattern

Entry/Approach Methods: may case store, may come in one day and come back another, operate in pairs or more

Weapons: on occasion jewelry store robberies escalate to murder

Tools: burglary tools in burglaries, have been known to smash vehicles into stores to grab items

Vehicles/Transportation Routes: jewelry theft rings travel across jurisdictions

Stolen Goods: jewelry, precious metals

Method: distraction, returning purchases with counterfeit jewels, need a fence for jewelry, smash and grabs, may cut security gates, may disable alarms

Motive: profit

Query Terms: jewelry, gold, diamond, silver, platinum, emerald, ruby, sapphire, pearl, distract, counter, grab, fake

Suggestions: track all jewelry thefts – even residential, looking for patterns, find out where fencing of jewelry may take place, track known criminals of this type


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