Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Crime Pattern ID: Bank Robbery

Pattern: Bank Robberies

Victims: financial institutions, banks and credit unions
Perpetrators: variety of perps, from inexperienced (usually drug addicts) to professional (less common), may work alone or in teams

Locations: inside bank – ATM (automatic teller) crime may be involved as well

Times: varies, but serial robbers often follow a pattern in time of day, day of week

Entry/Approach Methods: perps may stake out banks, target banks with easy escape routes, generally robbers just walk in bank

Weapons: often use note with threat of weapon and no weapon is seen, sometimes gun is seen

Vehicles/Transportation Routes: vary, banks in strip malls and/or near highways may be targeted as more vulnerable, may have get-away car accomplice

Stolen Goods: cash – often with dye-pack

Method: suspect may ‘case’ bank undetected prior to robbery, may wear disguise, may bring bag for cash – type of bag may be similar in series so is something to track, may jump over counter, may force victims to the ground, may target same type bank branches, tends toward becoming a serial crime if suspect has success, may be multiple suspects

Motive: cash

Query terms: bank, credit union, safe, unlock, alarm, vault, safety deposit, deposit, names of banks

Suggestions: Map all banks in your jurisdiction, including credit unions. If possible, get data on ATMS, track all known bank robbers on parole in your jurisdiction – know their MO. Familiarize yourself with bank robbery prevention techniques.


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