Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Crime Pattern ID: Drugged/Intoxicated Victims

Pattern: Drugged or Intoxicated Victims – or Both

Victims: Young women at bars may be drugged by unknown persons who later sexually assault them. Intoxicated people are robbed more easily because of their condition – reduced ability to see crime coming and defend themselves. Intoxicated persons are victims of assault in bars (as well as being perpetrators).

Perpetrators: Sometimes serial, predatory males. Sometimes crimes of opportunity.

Locations: Most often in bars or around them, such as bar parking lots.

Times: Most often late in the evening, near bar closing times.

Approach Methods: Sometimes females in bars are approached by someone who tries to charm them before drugging them. Some victims are drugged at parties (such as raves.

Weapons: Intoxicated victims are sometimes beaten severely due to the fact the ability to defend oneself is reduced when drunk.

Vehicles/Transportation Routes: Victims may be transported to apartments, vacant buildings or hotels and raped or otherwise molested. Often victims can’t remember what happened to them.

Stolen Goods: Wallets often stolen in robberies, sometimes carjackings occur related to victim intoxication.

Method: Date rape drugs such as GHB, rohypnol, and ketamine.

Motive: The suspect’s motives are control and power most often with a sexual component, in robberies quick cash is motive, in bar fights revenge over perceived slight may be motive.

Query terms that may help you search for crime incidents: bar, tavern, loss of memory, bouncer, hotel, motel, drunk, drugged, drink, vacant, remember, loss of consciousness, brawl, names of date rape drugs

Suggestions: Map all your bars/taverns and track the types of calls/crimes that occur at them, look for hot spots of activity, keep files on all incidents of drugged victims even if sexual assault has not occurred, note bars were assault levels are high and determine what factors are involved through problem analysis

Some Resources:

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