Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety Tenth Crime Mapping Research Conference: Looking for Papers/Submissions/Workshops from Practiomners

I was asked to post this on the blog by MAPS. The deadline was extended for a month and is up soon - they definitely want input from practitioners.

Tenth Crime Mapping Research Conference

- Solving Problems with Geography and Technology
September 17 - 20, 2008
Sheraton Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana
Call for presentations and workshops

Solutions to crime and public safety problems are necessarily about where. Those solutions are a combination of research, practice, technology and policy that provide the full perspective of breadth and depth of a problem and the results of its solution. The application of geographic principles to these problems has come into the mainstream as the reemergence of geography has become a primary component in solving problems.

Advancements in geographic-based technologies have brought a better understanding of crime, the more efficient deployment of public safety resources and a more critical examination of criminal justice policies. This is due to the reciprocation that occurs between research and practice, often resulting in better technology. Research provides a foundation of theories. Practice operationalizes the theories through technology. Policy decisions are then enacted with a more precise focus based on research and practical demonstration. Geography has been the constant in the expansion of each of these areas and technology has been the facilitator.

The Crime Mapping Research Conference is not just about presenting where crime is. The conference is about understanding crime and public safety and their effect on community. It represents a range of research findings, practical applications, technology demonstrations and policy results.

Presentations and workshops for the 10th conference will highlight the principles of geography in research findings, applications in practice, technology demonstration and policy results in solving crime and public safety problems.

(~See the site for the forms you need)

Call for presentations and workshops due February 18, 2008 (7 pm EST) - Deadline extended!"

Note that the MAPS staff says "we definitely want practitioners to go ahead and submit about innovative things they are doing with crime mapping and analysis. We are trying to go beyond just basic mapping, but also include topics about geography and how it can inform understanding of crime (at the practical level). We also need people to give workshops. People submitting to present should know that NIJ will cover travel expenses to the conference for presenters."

All the forms for submitting are on the website at the post title link and can be returned to Ron Wilson, by e-mail at at

Thank you on behalf of MAPS!!!

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