Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Houston Opens "Real-Time" Crime Analysis Center

"Houston police officers now will have more information than ever about the situations they face as they roll onto crime scenes, Police Chief Harold Hurtt said today. They'll be armed with details gathered by a dozen newly hired crime analysts who will searching data related to crime scenes as the officers respond to calls, Hurtt said."

Read the full article at the post title link. Also read the Police Chief magazine article "Stopping Crime in Real Time."

While this is a trend that will continue to grow grow, There are some concerns about what real-time "analysis" means.

I am hoping someday people will understand that analysts shouldn't be spending their time looking things up on a computer because other people don't know how to do that. You can have other "look-up" people to do that job; trained analysts should be thinking and working at a higher level. Analysis should not be similar to looking up numbers in a phone book for busy people.

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