Sunday, September 15, 2024

Free OSINT Tools

 Visit for some free tools to use in your open source searching.

"The Ultimate OSINT Collection is Griffin Glynn's massive startme page of curated OSINT resource links. With links to the best content in categories such as: books, podcasts, discussion groups, tool collections, blogs, and more... this one stop shop has become the most popular OSINT startme page on the platform, and is followed and accessed by thousands of people from around the world!"

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Report: Global attitudes to crime and law enforcement

Food for thought!

"This 31-country study tracks how people around the world see crime playing out in their communities, what they want governments to do, and how much trust they have in law enforcement." 

The Ipsos report Global attitudes to crime and law enforcement is available at this link.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Crypto Crime Resource

This resource is provided by Thomas R. Alber who is an Enforcement Agent with the Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission, who works as an instructor, leading crypto crimes investigator and gaming investigator.

 US Crypto Cop

"We are a collaborative go-to resource for combating crypto crimes, gaming-related offenses, and digital scams. As gaming and gambling rapidly expand across states, and smartphones become ubiquitous, the need for personal and cybersecurity vigilance has never been more urgent.

Whether you’re a regulator, law enforcement officer, gamer, parent or family member to one, we can help to build a safer, more secure gaming and digital future for all."

Monday, September 2, 2024

Future Thinking in Policing

As a law enforcement analyst you are often on the cutting edge of the agency's technology; thus,  it would be helpful for you to become acquainted with futures thinking, if you are not already familiar.

Explore the webpages of these resources:

Future Policing Institute

Interpol: Future of policing

The National Police Foundation report:

PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE: A Primer for Police Leaders on Futures Thinking

Police Chief Magazine article:

Navigating the Future of Policing

Friday, August 30, 2024

Various Search Engines

It can be useful to vary what search engines you use when you conduct open source research. Vet the results for accuracy. 

Search engines:

- Google

- Bing

- Yandex

- Baidu

- Yahoo

- Qwant

- DuckDuckGo

- Bravo

Do you have any to add to this list?

Monday, August 26, 2024

Geolocation Skills Video

 "In this tutorial, we will dive deep into the techniques of analysing footage for indications of locations by:

- Identifying routes of travel

- Use reference points like mountains and landmarks to narrow down search areas

- Using reconstructions of an area to help accurate geolocation.

The tutorial is not just about the theory; it's a hands-on guide that encourages viewers to practice alongside, by following the footage available on CNN and practicing using this walkthrough."

The link to video and more information cab be found here.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Stanford Online: Designing Your Career

Wherever you are in your analyst career - wannabe to expert - you can benefit from some thought about where you are and where you want to go.

This is a free online course from Stanford:

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Report Writing: The Write Stuff

Listen to the podcast episode The Write Stuff to learn more about intelligence report writing.

 "Who said writing intelligence reports for policymakers is boring? Not us--and certainly not former DIA intelligence analyst turned Hollywood screenwriter Mitchell LaFortune. On this episode of DIA Connections, LaFortune talks about his creative approach to intelligence writing. Learn how it helped him when he left DIA for LA to write the screenplay for the action thriller Kandahar, a movie based on his experiences in Afghanistan."

Monday, August 19, 2024

Britannica’s Curiosity Compass: 10 Ways to Improve Your Curiosity

I think curiosity is the most valuable trait an analyst can have. It can be improved!

The Oxford Languages Dictionary defines curiosity as "a strong desire to know or learn something."

Explore this site to learn more about curiosity and improving it. 

 Britannica’s Curiosity Compass: 10 Ways to Improve Your Curiosity

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Don't Limit Yourself

You have a number of possible approaches to use as a law enforcement analyst. You might favor some, such as mapping, statistics, reading reports to look for patterns, or investigating suspects. Don't limit yourself to any approach - develop a repetoire of approcahes.