Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Learning from Failure

Learning from Failure

"Learning from failure was the topic of a roundtable discussion sponsored by the Center for Court Innovation and BJA. The roundtable brought together police chiefs, probation officials, prosecutors, judges, and defense attorneys from across the country to discuss lessons they have learned from projects that did not succeed. The message from the gathering was that these lessons can be just as helpful as best practices in nurturing effective justice programs."

Trial and Error: Failure and Innovation in Criminal Justice Reform

Learning From Failure: A Roundtable on Criminal Justice Innovation

Failure and Criminal Justice Reform: A Policy Inquiry

As we look to develop the field of crime and intelligence analysis in policing, we should examine our failures as well as our successes. As analysts, we can examine how the way we work doesn't work in order to find paths to greater, lasting impact. Educators and trainers can learn from this as well.

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