Sunday, February 17, 2008

Internal recruiting for an intelligence analyst

This is an article posted in the Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals's website, written by Mark Sullivan, Manager of Strategic Analysis, General Motors Corp. While it is not related analysts in to policing, its concepts certainly are. This week this blog will focus primarily on analysts - the qualities needed for analysts, including educational background and characteristics.

Important points in the article that relate to analysts in policing include:

"But, a good intelligence analyst is more than just an analyst. He or she should also have a set of fairly unique personal attributes. Among these are:

* The ability to deal with a high level of ambiguity and lack of structure.
* The ability to be a self-starter.
* The ability to be comfortable and articulate with people in the organization who are considerably more senior then he or she is.
* The ability to get the customer to define what is really needed and why.
* The humility to understand that, as a support person, an intelligence analyst is not an advocate.
* The personal fortitude to push an intelligence finding so that it gets the attention it deserves by senior managers -- even if this means crossing the formal hierarchy of the company. "

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