Thursday, October 21, 2021

Jill Dando Institute of Security and Crime Science

The  UCL Jill Dando Institute of Security and Crime Science, in London, is the first institute in the world devoted to crime science. It celebrated its 20th birthday recently - a video about that and its history is at this link.

Research at the Jill Dando Institute is concentrated on new ways to cut crime and increase security, drawing upon UCL's vast experience in related disciplines, including architecture, economics, engineering, geography, medicine, psychology, statistics and town planning.

It brings together 30 top research departments and research groups across UCL all with a working interest in the field of security and crime. The JDI aims to promote multidisciplinary research in crime and security and also promote multidisciplinary conferences, events, training and short courses in these fields. Partners and clients include organisations from academia, industry, commerce and government.

So, what IS crime science?

Crime science is the application of scientific methods and knowledge from many disciplines to the development of practical and ethical ways to reduce crime and increase security.

Read more about it at this link.

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