Monday, October 25, 2021


Read NIJ's What Is a Gang? Definitions at this link

There is no universally agreed-upon definition of "gang" in the United States. Gang, youth gang and street gang are terms widely and often interchangeably used in mainstream coverage. Reference to gangs often implies youth gangs. In some cases, youth gangs are distinguished from other types of gangs; how youth is defined may vary as well.

Motorcycle gangs, prison gangs, hate groups, adult organized crime groups, terrorist organizations and other types of security threat groups are frequently but not always treated separately from gangs in both practice and research.

When I was a crime analyst in the city of Buffalo, many of our gangs were simply local groups, named by their own choice based on the blocks they lived on. Understanding what "gangs" operate in your jurisdiction is crucial! Knowing as much as you can about gangs in helpful to inform your analysis work. 


Strategies to Address Gang Crime: A Guidebook for Local Law Enforcement

FBI: Gangs 

National Gang Center

Street Gangs and Interventions: Innovative Problem Solving with Network Analysis

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