Wednesday, July 14, 2021

OODAcast: Kathy and Randy Pherson, Authors of Critical Thinking for Strategic Intelligence

Crime and intelligence analysts in law enforcement are encouraged to improve their critical thinking skills, but resources are scarce for actually doing that. Here is a podcast that might illuminate some concepts: OODAcast: Kathy and Randy Pherson, Authors of Critical Thinking for Strategic Intelligence is a podcast available at this link.

In this podcast "Kathy reviews what she calls the “5 habits of the critical thinker”, which include:

Examine your key assumptions

Consider multiple alternatives

Look for disconfirming data

Look for drivers underneath your topic and finder indicators of future action

Understand the context and how the issue is framed, through framing seek to understand"

I encourage you to venture outside of the world of law enforcement to find tools that might help you grow. One of those arenas is national security. Analysts there also struggle to grow - you are not alone!

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